Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Never Alone

Two girls walk along
Arm in arm, hand in hand
Then the one says something
That breaks their happy chatter

“I find it harder every day”
“To find a reason to live one more”
“I feel as if nobody would notice”
“If one day I were to disappear”

With that the first dips her head
And pretends to ignore the other’s words
She spouts encouragement and praise
Yet none of it reaches her ears

Feeling desperate, the second girl
Digs deep inside to find a word
Anything that could keep her friend
From committing that unthinkable act

“I would notice” the second girl pleads
“I couldn’t bear to be without you.”
“I would cry every day”
“If you were to disappear”

The first shakes her head
Tears springing to her eyes
“I don’t believe a word you say”
“I know you’re just talking to try and ease my pain”

“Nobody cares about me”
“Nobody would miss me”

“No, No, No!”
“That’s not true! None of it is true!”
“I would miss you”
“I would notice every day if you aren't here.”

“You lie, these words are fake”
“You don’t care about me as much as you say you do”
“There are a million other people in your life”
“Ones that would comfort you, fill the small void I would leave”

“No, I’m not lying! My words are true!”
“I wouldn't be complete if you disappeared.”
“My world would forever be broken”
“If you do this to me”

“You lie-”
“No I don’t!”
“Nobody cares-”
“You’re wrong! I care!”

“I care if you disappeared. You know why?”
“Because then a missing piece would be missing from the puzzle”
“But you have other people in your life.”
“Other people can’t take your place.”

“A puzzle is made of many pieces.”
“You can’t complete one with just a few.”
“There are hundreds, sometimes even thousands”
“Who will make your puzzle whole.”

“Some pieces will never meet.”
“The edging pieces may not ever meet the other edge”
“But even so, they are all part of the puzzle”
“They complete mine and yours.”

“You can’t disappear now, see?”
“I need you to be complete.”
“And you as well have your own puzzle.”
“There are many people who care for you”

“They would cry if you were gone.”
“The center piece of the puzzle wouldn't be there.”
“And then their puzzle is incomplete.”
“Can’t you see? One person can make all the difference”

Then the first stops and thinks
About all the second had said
After a long, thoughtful silence
The first opens her mouth and speaks

“Thank you for being here”
“I don’t know how I would live without you”
“I can see your point in this”
“And I’m glad you feel this way”

The second gives the first a hug
Holding tight to the person she knew
Hoping that this girl
Would never leave her life

“I need you, never forget it.”
“I believe that you can do great things.”
“Stay with me for as long as you can”
“And I’m sure we can conquer the world”

Friday, April 26, 2013

Some People

Some people

Are born like it

Some people
become it

Some people
nurture it




Some people
admire it

Some people
fall to it

I see the truth

A Clean, Well Lighted Place

In “A Clean Well-Lighted Place,” the older waiter and the younger waiter are kind of different versions of one person. Between the film and the story, I thought that mostly, it was done very well. Even though it was hard to understand, I did like their accents. I thought it added something to the story that I can’t really explain. It was set in a kind of foreign environment, and the Irish accents added something to the story that I couldn’t have done myself. The actors did well with the parts that they had. The young waiter got on my nerves, and that’s a good thing because in the story he did too.
                But the film had a lot more downsides. As with any film coming from a written piece, they didn’t do everything ‘by the book,’ and it always annoys me when they miss key points in the story. For example, in the very beginning, the old man should be sitting under the leaves of a tree in the shadows. Instead, in the film, he was sitting in a booth under a light. It’s completely reversed and it kills the symbolism. If I had made this myself, I would try to follow everything the best I could to get the true meaning across. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fahrenheit 451 Quote

"I don't talk things, sir," said Faber. "I talk the meaning of things. I sit here and know I'm alive."

This quote comes from an old, retired English professor who Montag befriends and talks to for an hour. This quote from him is interesting because in the world of Fahrenheit 451, people don't think very much. They just watch their shows and talk shallow things. They don't think about the meaning of things, but this professor does. This makes me believe that he knows something about the old days, times where people didn't burn books. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

To The Seasons

An explosion of color
A desolate hill, covered in snow
A budding of flowers and life
Children laughing without a care


Red, orange, yellow
Colors of the season
Are similar to the sunset
As the leaves fall, the sun fades for


Huddled inside by a fire
Waiting for something
Watching the snow fall
Onto the grass, covering it until


A bud here, a flower there
The world comes alive
With colors and sounds
So loud it's almost deafening


Children laugh and play
Not having any worries in the world
Of course, nothing like this can last
They will play and laugh until

The cycle begins again

Monday, January 28, 2013

Alone in the Crowd

Have you ever been there?
When everyone is around you
but you’re alone?

How is this possible?
There is a crowd surrounding you
but this lonely feeling...

It continues

Nothing stops this. At least not now
Nothing can shake me out of this state.
I don’t know what to do.

Someone? Anyone?

Can someone save me from this nightmare?
Is there any end to the pain and suffering?
I feel like I’m carrying everyone’s burdens

On my shoulders

I can’t let go
If I did, who would carry them?
The world would take them up, embracing them

But then everyone would feel this way
No, I can’t let go!


What if someone was to share my pain?
If I had a partner by my side

The pain would lessen

I can try
But right now
Nobody is coming

I am alone

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Darkness and Light

This darkness...
It curls around me
     Consuming me
Until there is nothing left

My heart feels shattered
Nothing can change that
     This darkness...
I feel like I'm drowning

These dark waters
Bubble and boil all around me
     I'm stuck
I can't get out.

I try to move
But my legs are stuck
     Heavy as lead
But my legs aren't the problem

It's my heart
It feels like the world's sorrows
     Are piling themselves onto me
So full with sorrow, yet empty

How can this be?

I'm drowning in this sorrow
I can't move. I'm done
     And yet...
I see something

It couldn't be...
It is!
My savior

This light is beautiful
Soft and fluffy
     It wraps itself around me
Soothing away my pain

The light saved me
From darkness, from pain
     I now feel lighter than air
The darkness was weighing me down

I couldn't move
But now, in the light
     I can do anything I want
The light allows me to see

See things I didn't know were there
This light goes around every corner
     There is no shadow with the light
And yet...

My sense comes in
Darkness and Light
     Are two sides of the same coin
One can't exist

Without the other
A shadow couldn't be
     Unless there is light
And now...

I know something
Darkness is not dark
     It is simply an absence of light
But does that make it better?

No, I don't think so
You see, once you've seen the light
     Darkness will not be the same
If possible, it hurts more

The pain comes back
Stronger and harder
     Not slowly, but all at once
You can never forget the light

No matter how hard you try
to keep the light
     Darkness will reign
